Hello dear PhD-Colleagues!
We like to think of it as an already established event, coming up promptly at the end of each semester, namely our own ÖH DOK get together. The chilled networking event where us, the PhD students come together for a few hours (first online, then in person) and exchange on our experiences from the past semester, share our knowledges around the PhD studies and also talk about our needs, building up the agenda of ÖH for the future.
So, without further ado, please feel invited to come to our SoSe 2023 GET TOGETHER on Wednesday 21st of June.
* we’ll meet some of you on the platform of zoom, where the treats are digital encounters: Online, from 5 to 6 pm, (Vienna Time, GMT + 2). Zoom link:
* we’ll also meet you at the Academy, where the treats are in person exchanges, eased up by drinks and food. Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Schillerplatz in front of the building, by the Statue, from 6 to 9 p.m. (in case of bad weather we will be in room M13a)
As you probably know there were the ÖH-elections, meaning we successfully concluded the first mandate period for doctoral studies representation within the student’s union.
Team of 2021-2023 says good bye, so we would like to celebrate our achievements together with you and also take this opportunity to welcome the new ÖH-representatives Hyeji, Aleks and Teo (the not so new member :), while Ty, Bella and Alexandra are concluding their role as student representatives. So, let’s have a cheer to a strong student representation on the PhD level of the Akademie!
We are looking forward to meeting as many of you in the virtual and real space; let's get together and exchange!
If you have any questions, comments or personal needs please get in contact. Also, if you want to get involved in preparation feel free to reach out <3
Happy to see you there!
Your PhD Student Union / ÖH.Dok
Alexandra, Bella, Ty, Teo (Stv. 2021-2023)
Hyeji, Aleksander, Teo (Stv. ab 2023)
Studienvertretung Doktorate, Vorsitz | (representation for the students of: phD-in Practice, DoktorandInnen phil&tech&rer.nat)
hochschülerinnen- und hochschülerschaft
]a[ akademie der bildenden künste wien
Schillerplatz 3 | A-1010 Wien
check the new info Page: