Dear all!

We hope you had a good week and that you are enjoying the sun.

For the upcoming Tuesday, May 28th, we will meet in Museumsquartier at 10 AM. 

As it is your summer showing, we offer support, but it’s on you to create a common evening together. 
Who is showing what, when, with whom, etc.? Please start to coordinate among each other.

We will start with a proper warm-up, then continue with a first "showing session" to see/try out your performances for the summer showing.

Please do not hesitate to show whatever you have so far, even if it is just a first idea. 
It is a rehearsal day, so use it! 
We are here to support you in whatever you are working on.

We strongly encourage everyone who would like to perform on June 17th to show something at the next class meeting. 
Do not worry about "how far" you are! (It never seems enough for a showing ;) )

Until Tuesday:
use S21a for rehearsals.

Your concepts:
Thank you to everyone who has already sent us concepts and ideas. For those who have not, please send us your concepts by Monday evening, so we can review them and better support you.
Many greetings and see you next week,

Carola, Andrea, and Stefanie