Dearest all,

next week we will finally have our last classmeeting in this semester.

We will meet at 10 am in 21a.

Topcis for the day:

- Summer Showing Feedback: We will talk about the previous Summer Showing and share feed back

- Readjust your working spaces: We need to reorganize the working spaces/studios as 9 new students will be coming in the upcoming winter semester.

Everybody who needs a working space and a table and chair, absolutely needs to be at that classmeeting (if you cannot make it, you have to sendus an email!!)

People who do not use their space no more, need to make place for new ones.

Let us look at that all together next week.



PLEASE NOTE: Drawing Class will have their summer party:

On the same day (Tuesday June, 25th), from 6pm on the Drawing Class will have their summer party in the courtyard and you are very cordially invited 😊

Have a beautiful rest of the week. Swimm! Drink alot of water! Have alot of ice cream 😊

Carola, Andrea and Stefanie