UH sounds so interesting - i would do it ! Carola 

Salzmann Andrea <A.Salzmann@akbild.ac.at> schrieb am Mi. 19. Juni 2024 um 09:06:

Dears - 

Attached you find an open call to join Theater Combat - and Claudia Bosse.

Have a look.  It might be a great opportunity!

Best - andrea

Dear Performative Arts Class,

we would like to introduce our upcoming project, "Haunted Landscapes on an Unseen Wasteland," and invite you to participate.

In 2024, we are dedicating ourselves to wounded landscapes. At the center of "Haunted Landscapes" are volcanoes, open-pit mines, and other endangered or poisoned landscapes, along with their myths, stories, or experiences, and our relationship with them. The focus is on the immense transformations of environments and their global impacts, traces of spirits that inhabit them, and their influence on the surrounding communities of (non)human actors.

Between September 1 and 10, 2024, our intensive week PPS_extended will take place over 7 days under the title "Haunted Landscapes on an Unseen Wasteland" as part of our "Haunted Landscapes" series. During this period, various interventions are planned on an urban wasteland, a small area behind the main train station in the 10th district, Sonnwendviertel. Between urban intervention, laboratory, and performance, a series of interventions will emerge on an unused space in the middle of Vienna, featuring constellations of bodies, movements, spatial research, work with visual materials, and 3 performances at dusk.

Attached you will find the open call for "Haunted Landscapes on an Unseen Wasteland" in cooperation with Belvedere 21. We are opening up to interested participants and invite applications to be sent to buero@theatercombinat.com by July 16, including age, background, a biography, and a short motivational letter or video. We invite participation in PPS_extended and would also be very pleased if our project could be shared through your channels and passed on to interested parties.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. We look forward to your feedback!

Best regards, Magdalena Knor