Dear everyone,

very first of all, thank you so very much for a wonderful and very productive rehearsal day in MQ last Tuesday. (emphasis is on "very 😊)

In the upcoming days, it is going to rain alot, so use S21a to rehearse and send us your rehearsal slots ;)

For the upcoming classmeeting in JUNE 4th:

We will again meet at 10am in Museumsquartier
(❗note: If it rains, we will work in our classroom S21A)

For next Tuesday: please keep rehearsing on you performances.
We will keep working the way we did last Tuesday:
Share your work in progress and feedback among one an other.

❗Everybody who would like to perform at Summer Showing please show us latest next Tuesday, June 4th what you are working on.❗

Here are reahearsal slots for Thursday June 6th and Friday June 7th in Museumsquartier.
Please subscribe and we can rehearse with you separately in your groups and support your work in progress-performances.

For the week from June 10th until June 16th we will send out many more rehearsal slots in Museumsquatier next week.

Please try to have an idea for a flyer, or already a flyer itself, that you create yourselves and which you can use to post and announce your summer showing

So far:
Take great care and have a beautiful weekend ahead of you 😊

Carola, Andrea and Stefanie