hi there,

for our next class meeting on coming wednesday 29.05.24 we will meet at Kunsthalle Wien at 2pm
in order to get an introduction to an visit the exhibition “Genossin Sonne”.


Curators: Dr. Inke Arns (Director of HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein) and Andrea Popelka (Kunsthalle Wien)
Artists: Kobby Adi • Kerstin Brätsch • Colectivo Los Ingrávidos • Nicholas Grafia & Mikołaj Sobczak • Sonia Leimer • Maha Maamoun • Wolfgang Mattheuer • Marina Pinsky • Katharina Sieverding • The Atlas Group • The Otolith Group • Huda Takriti • Suzanne Treister • Anton Vidokle • Gwenola Wagon • Hajra Waheed …
Exhibition design: Marlene Oeken & Martha Schwindling

A joint exhibition of Kunsthalle Wien and Wiener Festwochen | Freie Republik Wien
In the eighteenth century, the term “revolution” came to designate a “violent overthrow of the existing political and social order,” a meaning fixed by the French Revolution. Before that time, astronomers had long used it to describe the orbits of the celestial bodies.

!! Please be on time as we have somebody giving us an introduction !!

Looking forward to seeing you there

