Dear all,
The open call for the new GPC Lab season is online and might be of interest :)

Warm wishes

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(English version below)

The Golden Pixel Cooperative invites artists to apply for the GPC Lab! The GPC Lab offers support and dramaturgical guidance for short or medium-length innovative, experimental film, video or moving image works. The programme will take place between late 2024 and late 2025. Three artists will be invited to participate with their submitted projects on this year's topic "Timecodes. Temporality and Consequences".



How can time concepts that take different lived realities into account be artistically conceived and realized? What do temporalities mean in relation to the social and political structures that organize them and through which they are shaped?

We invite artists to use specific approaches to explore, reflect on and construct the experience and representation of time.

Terms such as:

Time Accessibility, Actuality,
Memory. Cut
Sick Time, Sleepy Time. Ancestral Time,
Sustainability! Process?
Crip Time, Queer Time, Quality Time, Future.
Chrononormativity, measurement. History,
Attention economies,
Cycle, Biography. Temporal and racial justice
Pause?Time Accessibility, Actuality,
Memory. Cut
Sick Time, Sleepy Time. Ancestral Time,
Sustainability! Process?
Crip Time, Queer Time, Quality Time, Future.
Chrononormativity, measurement. History,
Attention economies,
Cycle, Biography. Temporal and racial justice


offer initial impulses for the topic of this year's GPC Lab.


The GPC Lab offers a framework for the production of film, video and moving image works in different phases of production. The focus is on individual dramaturgical advice and is defined according to the needs of the project. The dramaturgical advice can be focussed on various concerns (e.g. script writing, editing, documentary or virtual  filming,...) and the consultation dates can be freely chosen within the programme period. The choice of dramaturg (GPC external experts) is made in consultation between the organizers and the Lab participants. 


In addition, participants are offered the opportunity to benefit from the exchange and synergies of the Lab group and the connection with the GPC (invitations to workshops, network meetings and jour fixes). The Lab aims to create a productive, artistic-social environment for the realization of the film projects. 

In a final presentation, the projects will be offered a platform for visibility and discourse (such as a workshop format or the presentation of the finished artistic work).


A GPC-external jury will select three projects from the submissions to participate in the Lab. The open call is aimed at artists who would benefit from the programme and would appreciate the Lab accompanying their projects, free of charge.


The Golden Pixel Cooperative (GPC)  

is an association for moving images, arts and media, active within both exhibition and cinema contexts. It was founded from the need to act collectively in a predominantly individual cultural landscape. With a critical, feminist and anti-discriminatory approach, we work on the production, distribution, and presentation of artworks and discourses. We foster empowerment and solidarity by enabling exchange and support between artists, cultural workers, educators and thinkers. Collectively, we work on projects that have various formats such as screenings, exhibitions, symposia and publications.



Please send the application as a PDF in English! The project itself can be in German or English.

Applications should include:

  • Artistic CV with work samples
  • Description of the project (content, project status, plan for implementation, etc.; max. 3 pages)
  • Reference to the topic "Timecodes. Temporality and Consequences" (approx. 1/4 page)
  • What do you expect from the dramaturg? What would you like to work on together? (approx. 1/4 page)
  • Names of dramaturgs who you would like to work with (GPC-external, international or local experts)

Please send applications to:

Application deadline: 06/06/2024 (23:59 CET)

Please read the conditions carefully. If participating in the Lab, applicants agree to the following terms: 

Lab Agreement

Each applicant will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email. Applications received after the deadline or incomplete applications will not be considered. Only one application per person is possible. The jury's decision will be announced in mid June 2024.


  • Announcement of the jury's decision on the three selected projects
  • Networking meeting and workshop of the Lab participants in Vienna in autumn 2024  (1 day. Travel costs are to be borne by the participant).
  • Collective search for a dramaturgical accompaniment for the project 
  • Three individual sessions of dramaturgical advice 
  • Connection to the GPC network
  • Final presentation in Vienna in autumn 2025 (Travel expenses for the  presentation can be paid).

Contact people for the GPC Lab: Marlies Pöschl and Iris Blauensteiner at
Call: Link


Image Credit

Katja Verheul: “Red Dust”, 2024, 4K video, 17 min, video still
Contains EUMETSAT DUST RGB/MSG footage 2022
© Katja Verheul

Katja Verheul participated in the GPC Lab 2023/2024


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