My Dear Class,


Well, this was not how I planned the start of the semester! 

I am reminded of the old proverb, ‘if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans.’ 


It was only the most basic appointment with my doctor and here I am almost two months later still in hospital. It was like dominos falling, one complication after the another, and when I told the doctors that I need to get out of here to go to Vienna they would smile and say… ‘give it some time’.


I miss all of you, I miss our conversations, seeing the new work that you are making, feeling the energy of the studios, the spirit of the class and the laughter. It feels like a cruel time to be pulled away, with some of you preparing for your diploma, some curating exhibitions, and I feel sorry that I have not been there to support you over the past two months.


Until now I have felt too unwell to reach out or to respond to messages on WhatsApp.I am past that now, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch, send me photos of your work, anything is welcome. When I get discharged from hospital, I will be able to have zoom calls with you if you want. I am not sure when that will be, I will let you know. Then the next step will be to come to Vienna, this will be a magical moment for me, one I have thought about many times during the long hours in the ward.


Enjoy your time with Behrang when he visits, and I look forward to making more plans for us in the near future, God willing.


Enjoy this precious day, work hard and thank you for your patience.


Best wishes,
