My dear Class,

I look forward with excitement for October, and being back at the academy. There is a lot of catching up to be done, and although I have been living vicariously through WhatsApp, it does not compare to being there in person and feeling the spirit of the class. I really enjoy walking through the studios early morning when I first arrive in Vienna to see all the development and your productivity. During this time of illness I have thought about the class consistently, reminding myself that I will be back there with you soon, it has given me the spirit to keep fighting. Never did I imagine that I would be away for so long, and I am sorry for that, I am pleased you keep going and have been active and motivated! I want to publicly thank Nino, I realise that the burden of my absence landed on her shoulders, I am forever grateful for your dedication to the class and all that you have done for me while I have been in hospital! The conversations that I have had with some of you, the emails, cards and messages you have send have been so touching, thank you!

I want to congratulate Susanne, Pourea, and Lisa for their diploma exhibitions, they were truly wonderful. I hope we can all meet up when I am next over to celebrate your achievements!

I wish well David, Sacha, Johanna, Nazanin and Abigail on your travels, I hope your exchanges will be rewarding experiences.

I look forward to our first class meeting on the 2nd of October, I don't think I can express just how much! 

Have a wonderful summer! Always know that if you want to speak, have a zoom call or write over the summer I am always happy to hear from you!

With best wishes,



From: Svireli Nino <>
Sent: Thursday, 27 June 2024 16:43:50
Subject: [Gegenstaendliche Malerei] Das erste Klassentreffen im nächsten Semester

Liebe Alle,


hier ein paar Infos über unserer Klasse:


Das erste Klassentreffen im nächsten Semester wird

am 02.10.2024

um 12 Uhr im

Raum 117



Nächstes Semester werden wir zwei neue Studentinnen in unserer Klasse willkommen heißen:


Anna Karoline Hvidtfeldt Andersen


Malte Juan Haußen.


Folgende Austausch-Student_innen werden nächste Semester in unserer Klasse studieren:


Swea Kuttel / ERASMUS Stuttgart

Zongyu Li / ASA Hangzou

Ernestine Mansa Doku /ASA  Ghana

Max Sandfort /Worldwide Exchange  München




Folgende Student_innen werden ein Auslandssemester machen:


David Hafer Garcia /Mexico City

Sacha Gnadgemange/ laReunion

Johanna Dasch / Buenos Aires

Nazanin Jahangir/Paris

Abigail Hauwede/Düsseldorf



Bis zum 30.06 kann man sich für ein Auslandssemester in

School of art II University of Manitoba bewerben.


Mit lieben Grüßen


A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien



MFA Nino Svireli


Institut für bildende Kunst

Fachbereich Gegenständliche Malerei



Telefon +43 1 588 16 6515

Raum 214b

Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien