///// English version below /////

Liebe Doktorand_innen,


gerne möchten wir euch über die interdisziplinäre PhD-Summer School FUTURE-PROOF RESEARCH SKILLS am 22. August 2024 in Linz aufmerksam machen. Ziel ist die Vernetzung von PhD-Studierenden verschiedener Universitäten und über die eigene Disziplin hinaus. Fokus dieses Jahr ist “Creating social impact from our work and using AI to do so”. Alle Infos und Anmeldung dazu findet ihr hier.


Mit sommerlichen Grüßen

Sabine Priglinger


///// English version /////

Dear doctoral candidates,

we would like to inform you about the interdisciplinary PhD-Summer School FUTURE-PROOF RESEARCH SKILLS on August 22, 2024 in Linz. The aim is to create an environment for PhD students from different universities to network and exchange ideas beyond their own discipline. This year’s focus is "Creating social impact from our work and using AI to do so." You can find more information about the event and registration here.


With best wishes for the summer

Sabine Priglinger



A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien

Mag.a Dr.in Sabine Priglinger (sie/ihr) (she/her)

Koordinatorin des Doktoratszentrums
Coordinator of the Center for Doctoral Studies

Kunst | Forschung | Support
Art | Research | Support 

