Lektionen / Lessons

19.1.2024, 18 h


Sven Lütticken

Detours of Possibilities. Alexander Kluge's History-Images


Alexander Kluge, Digital comments on the painting “Triumphal Entry of Henry IV into Paris” by Peter Paul Rubens, 2023, still,

high definition with Stable Diffusion (AI) © Alexander Kluge



This talk will focus on Alexander Kluge's distinctive approach to history in his films as well as his literary and theoretical writings. Taking his recent works with AI image generation as the point of departure, the talk focusses on ways in which Kluge engages with dormant historical potentialities by reexamining and reimagining historical events.

(Lecture in English)


Sven Lütticken is an associate professor in Leiden University's PhDArts programme and coordinates the research master’s track “Critical Studies in Art and Culture” at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His most recent book publications are Objections: Forms of Abstraction, Vol. 1 (Sternberg Press, 2022) and the critical reader Art and Autonomy (Afterall, 2022).


The format Lektionen / Lessons offers contexts and background information on the artworks of the exhibitions in the Paintings Gallery.

Lecture as part of the exhibition History Tales. Fact and Fiction in History Painting and the Open Days 2024



Eintritt frei Entrance free


Anatomiesaal Anatomy Hall (Souterrain)

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien

Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien





Rundgang 2024  vom 18.-21.1.2024

Open Days 2024 from 18.-21.1.2024

