Liebe Studierende,

Unten findet ihr bitte die Information über ein BIP (Blended Intensiv Program) von unserer Partnerhochschule, EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts).

Die Residency findet vom 18. Bis 24 August in Narwa statt.

Für die Bewerbung findet ihr den Link zum Formular unten.

Die Bewerbungsfrist ist am 5. Juli.

Wenn ihr eine Zusage bekommt, werdet ihr in Höhe von 553 € durch Erasmus unterstütz.


Für weitere Fragen stehe ich euch gerne zur Verfügung.

Liebe Grüße,



Dear Students,

Please find below information about a BIP (Blended Intensiv Program) from our partner university, EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts).

The residency takes place from August 18th to 24th in Narva.

You will find the link to the application form below.

The deadline for application is on July 5th.

Should you successfully apply, you will receive an Erasmus Grant of 553 € to support your participation in this program.

I remain at your disposal for any further questions.

Best regards,




A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien


Simon Barranque

International Office Outgoing Mobilities, SMS 

Telefon +43 1 588 16 2104

Schillerplatz 3, Room E9, 1010 Wien




Von: Karolina Lehtma <>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 26.
Juni 2024 14:56
An: Karolina Lehtma <>
Cc: Jörn Frenzel <>
Betreff: Invitation for students to participate in Summer School : Extended Deadline 5th of July


Dear Erasmus partners


We are delighted to announce this year's summer school at Narva Artist Residency from 18 - 24 August, which is run as an ERASMUS BIP (Blended Intensive Programme). 


Title: SUMMER SCHOOL NARVA. Cultural transitions: From Matter to Meta.


The deadline to send applications is 5th of July (second call). As the summer is here, please circulate this with your students and refer them to your International Office to check BIP eligibility.


We will announce successful candidates by 8 July 2024 at the latest.


Further info on the course can be found below and on the attached poster. Please share the poster and application form with potentially interested students (MA and advanced BA students).


NB! There is no fee for the summer school. EKA will provide the course, programme, location and special events. All costs for accommodation, travel and food related to incoming students are to be covered by the partners. 


BIP ID: 2023-1-EE01-KA131-HED-000119958-1

Host and receiving organisation: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia EE TALLINN01 OID: E10209558




INFO for students: 

Title: SUMMER SCHOOL NARVA. Cultural transitions: From Matter to Meta. 

Location: Narva, Estonia


Explication for different location: The BIP is organised in border town Narva, in Narva Art Residency which is operated by the Estonian Academy of Arts.


Objectives and descriptions: 


This workshop explores transition spaces in the NART art residency and urban Narva using photography and mapping for research. Participants will combine artistic-documentary work with analytical tools, focusing on community building and cultural mediation. The goal is to integrate NART and the Kulgu area into a community hub.


Methods and outcomes:


This summer school, structured as a service design sprint, includes practical assignments, lectures, and seminars.

Participants will understand and apply service design methodologies, analyze and evaluate designs for sustainability and public interest, navigate from small interventions to complex systems, and conduct critical analysis and self-reflection using interdisciplinary methods.

Virtual component description: Virtual meeting on 14/08/24 for short sharing of participants' life stories, outlook and objectives of summer school and Narva context introduction.

Start and end dates of physical mobility part: from 18/08/2024 till 24/08/2024

Physical mobility duration: 7 days

ECTS credits: 3

Dates of virtual component: 14/08/2024 (1 day) 

Apply by the 5th of July HERE

Successful candidates will be announced by 8 July 2024.


Kind regards


Karolina Lehtma
MA õppekavade koordinaator | MA programs' coordinator

Disainiteaduskond | Faculty of Design

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia | Estonian Academy of Arts

Põhja pst 7
10412 Tallinn
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