Dear colleagues,

Here we go again! 

From the 18.06.24 until the 12.07.24, it is possible for you to propose your work (any media is welcome) to take part in our second or third exhibition opening in September and November. Since the exhibitions will be so close in time, we decided to do one Open Call for both of them. We will take all submissions into consideration for both exhibitions. 

Below you can find some details, and the full description on:

Meanwhile, check out the trailer here:  

We also wish to congratulate all diploma students to their great works and a happy Parcours to you all, see you around!

Jennifer Posny
Juan Rodrigo Torres Plata


PS: Don’t forget sunscreen these days!


What if where we are was not defined by hard and fast borders but by a healthy and elastic set of boundaries? 

Imagine the world not as a vast space in which we are settled, but as an unending, shape-shifting, dense conglomerate of a-/di- ssociations between fluids, bodies, emotions, ideas.  Our second exhibition studies the claim that space does not necessarily exist, physically, and proposes to look at the world (and beyond) through the lens of its inhabitants and their interconnections. As the universe is (possibly) endless, why not shift our focus from the desperate attempt to oversee it from the outside, to seeking for a compositional and operational understanding from its inside? 

Similarly, whenever humans decided to measure time, we investigated the relation between a moving entity and its surroundings: a pendulum swinging above ground, a heart’s attuned moto, the regular oscillation of a quartz crystal. Time, as well, might not exist on an objective scale but as a mere tool for describing individual variations within a particular constellation. In the third exhibition we therefore would like to inquire what is present for you personally. How does the time you live in de-/con- fine the way you see the world and your contemporaries? How can the net we build today become a mold for the constellations of tomorrow? 

How could this present be understood as a void and why do we attempt to fill the void?

How could this space be understood as a constellation and which forces drive its structure?

Why do we have to measure time and space? To control the uncontrollable?



The submission should be uploaded as one PDF-file (max. 10 MB) on the call platform of the academy of fine arts: 

The file name needs to include the name of the submitting person. 
The file should include

eg. description, context information, poem, essay, as you see fit (max. 1 A4 page)


Since not everyone feels equally safe with written text, you can instead also record a voicemail (in English, Spanish, German, Italian or French) which you can link to in the document, describing your  project in any way you feel comfortable with. 


Works of any medium can be submitted.
We would like to accompany the exhibition with a small publication, so we encourage the submission of graphic and text-based works for this as well.If you have suggestions for a supporting program (eg. group practices, discussion panels, workshops, etc.), please contact us here:


Students of all departments of the academy of fine arts can submit their works.
We encourage everyone to submit their work regardless of previous successes or advancement in their studies.


A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Juan Rodrigo Torres Plata and Jennifer Posny
Coordination and curation of Exhibit Studio 
Contemporary Exhibitions Office

Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna