Meet contemporary designers who live, think and act off-the-grid

on Mondays at IKA, floor 2, auditorium 211a


IKA Lecture Series, summer term 2024

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture

Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Vienna



June 3 

Monday 7 p.m.



Theo Deutinger, The Department, Flachau/Salzburg/Amsterdam 

Tom Schoonjans, Rotor, Brussels 


A quest for a better understanding of the modern world can take many forms. Educated as architects, Theo Deutinger, the head of The Department collective, and Tom Schoonjans, a member of ROTOR team, belong to different generations of explorers and practice seemingly incompatible methods of investigation.
And yet they do have something fundamental in common: they take apart structures - tangible as well as intangible - to critically assess them and reassemble their components into new extraordinary narratives 




April 22

Monday 7 p.m.



James Taylor-Foster, ArkDes, Stockholm

Olaf Grawert ,, Berlin


May 6 

Monday 7 p.m.



Anupama Kundoo, AK architects, Berlin, Pune, Pondicherry

Maria Lisogorskaya, Assemble, London  


June 3 

Monday 7 p.m. 



Theo Deutinger, The Department, Flachau/Salzburg/Amsterdam 

Tom Schoonjans, Rotor, Brussels 



A series of public discussions moderated by IKA GLC professors Anastassia Smirnova-Berlin and Alexander Sverdlov bring together design practitioners from various generations and cultural contexts who are interested in the next demarcation of their professional field. 


The guests will demonstrate that architecture could be understood very broadly – also as curatorship, heritage preservation, social design or research – and, at the same time, will propagate the power of architectural system thinking.


The term grid is central to all conversations. It serves as a metaphor for all well-established, often rigid structures of the past – built and intangible – that can be updated, rethought or abandoned altogether in response to the major planetary issues. 

Going off grid therefore means developing concepts with an alternative logic and proposing solutions that imply disconnection from or at least a critique of centrally governed matrices. 



Barrier-Free-Access: Room 211a is a public lecture room. It can be accessed barrier-free via the entrance Markartgasse.

An accessible toilet is located on the same floor nearby. Barrier free access to the building.



A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien

Institut für Kunst und Architektur Institute for Art and Architecture


Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien

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