Dear colleagues and students,


I warmly invite you to join the talk by Devika Singh on art in India after independence. Among others Devika covers the remarkable role of Austrian refugees in the making of Indian modernism.


Best wishes,




Devika Singh

International Departures: Art in India after Independence


18.06. 6pm





The lecture will take Devika Singh’s recent book International Departures: Art in India after Independence as a starting point to discuss global narratives of art in India. Described as a major contribution to a new history of art, this captivating and richly illustrated account presents together for the first time the work of Indian and foreign artists active in India after independence in 1947. Exploring how artists in India participated in global modernism during a crucial period of decolonization and nation building, the talk will engage with the many creators, critics and patrons of the postwar Indian art worlds and open up new ways of thinking about Indian art. 

Devika Singh is Senior Lecturer in Curating at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. She was previously Curator, International Art at Tate Modern. She curated exhibitions and collection displays at the CSMVS, Mumbai, the Dhaka Art Summit, the Dubai Design District, Kettle’s Yard (Cambridge, UK) and Tate Modern.



Der Vortrag nimmt Devika Singhs kürzlich erschienenes Buch International Departures: Art in India after Independence als Ausgangspunkt einer Diskussion über globale Narrative der Kunst in Indien. Das Buch präsentiert erstmals in Zusammenschau die Werke indischer und ausländischer Künstler*innen, die nach der Unabhängigkeit 1947 in Indien tätig waren. Der Vortrag geht der Frage nach, wie indische Künstler*innen in einer entscheidenden Periode der Entkolonialisierung und der Bildung einer Nation an der globalen Moderne teilnahmen.

Devika Singh ist Senior Lecturer für Kuratieren am Courtauld Institute of Art in London. Zuvor war sie Kuratorin für internationale Kunst an der Tate Modern. Sie kuratierte Ausstellungen und Sammlungspräsentationen im CSMVS, Mumbai, dem Dhaka Art Summit, dem Dubai Design District, Kettle‘s Yard (Cambridge, UK) und der Tate Modern.




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