Liebe Akademieangehörige,


unsere Partnerinstitution, die Royal Academy of Fine Arts, veranstaltet im März eine Staff Week und sucht Lehrende, die im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Programms Workshops anbieten möchten:


“We are looking for workshops on not only traditional skills (like bronze casting, bookbinding, sand casting etc.) but also more contemporary skills (like 3D-scanning, laser cutting, deploying AI in the art practice etc.). Sustainability could be added here as an extra focus.


Mehr Informationen in der Email weiter unten.


Die Teilnahme kann über das Erasmus+ Programm finanziert werden:

Wir stehen für Fragen zur Verfügung und freuen uns auf Ihre/Eure Bewerbungen!



Angelina Kratschanova


A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien


Mag. Angelina Kratschanova, BA, EMBA (she/her)


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Art School Alliance Coordinator Vienna


Von: Gryson Evie <>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024 11:55
Cc: Bovyn Guy <>
Betreff: Call for contributions | International Project Week, 4-8 November 2024


Call for contributions | International Project Week academic year 2024-2025


Call for contributions

International Project Week

4 – 8 November 2024


Dear all,


The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp is excited to open this call for participation in our International Project Week for academic year 2024-2025! After a successful first edition, we would like to invite you once again to propose a workshop for our bachelor students that will create an interdisciplinary possibility for them to get creative with other crafts and skills outside of their (kn)own atelier.


During the project week, students and staff are invited to reflect on the theme of skills, with an extra emphasis on sustainability. Practical and sustainable skills are a must in today’s world and because of this, we would like to offer our students the possibility to not only reflect on, but also have hands on experience with various types of skills.


The project week will take place from 4 to 8 November 2024 and is aimed at our Bachelor students. On Monday morning, students are invited to attend two keynote lectures that focus on the topics of social and ecological sustainability. The rest of the week will be filled with workshops that get them out of their comfort zone and into a different mindset. Students can build their own schedule by choosing a week-long workshop or going for a mix-and-match principle with shorter ones.


Wat are we looking for?


We are looking for workshops on not only traditional skills (like bronze casting, book binding, sand casting etc.) but also more contemporary skills (like 3D-scanning, laser cutting, deploying AI in the art practice etc.). Sustainability could be added here as extra focus.


We kindly invite you to join us and contribute by arranging a workshop for the participating students. Please express your interest by completing this form.


The deadline for submission is September 1st 2024. We will then make a selection and inform you about our decision as soon as possible.




This event could qualify for the Erasmus+ program (Staff Mobility for Teaching). Please be aware that you need a minimum of eight hours and two days if you want to apply for this funding (applying happens through your home institution). Get in touch with us to discuss the possibilities of accumulating these working hours.


Due to the focus on sustainability, we would like to ask you to use green travel where possible (by train or bus, for example). Erasmus+ offers a top up for green travel, which allows you to be financed for a number of extra travel days. Please contact us or the international office of your home institution for more information.


We hope to welcome you in Antwerp for a fruitful and engaging experience!


Kind regards,

Organizing Team - Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp



Evie Gryson

Internationalization and alumni services


Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp

School of Arts | AP Hogeschool | +32 3 213 71 07




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