Feel cordially invited to join the print fest this Wednesday!
This time we focus on Technology in the Arts.

We look forward to
our exhibitors from MKE Academy of Fine Arts Budapest,
our Workshop Guests from University of Art and Design Linz working on 
1x2meter Lino Blocks in the Inner yard!
our Lecturers, Erwin Pokorny from Albertina,
Andreas Pirchner from University of Music and Performing Arts Graz;
Daniela Kröhnert from University of Applied Arts Vienna,

and Liz Melchor introducing "The She Machine" Art-collective,

and bringing us an interactive Pen-Plottting installation to discuss
the interaction between human and machine!
Looking forward to watch 8 short films 

wich are curated by Ilya Kreines that show 
Print as experimental film. 

Join us on the fest,

find the detailed Timetable attached here.
Looking forward seeing you this wednesday 16:00
till Friday 20:00 at S13 Intagliolab of Schillerplatz!

Best wishes 

A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien 

Renata Darabant

Institut für bildende Kunst 
Institute for Fine Arts

Leitung der Tiefdruckwerkstatt 
Head of Intaglio Studio
Raum S13  Room S13
Telefon +43 (0)1 588166214
Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien