As part of the lecture series Best Available Copy 4 - the preservation of time-based media art ...documentation as a copy, we will invite you to a lecture by Tzu-Chuan Lin on  24.04.24 at 6pm online:

Tzu-Chuan Lin: Experiment with a visual documentation method for Max/MSP-based artworks
In the conservation of software-based artworks, source code is usually thought of as a copy or document of the work. However, software such as Max/MSP - a visual programming language - mostly comprises block connections in the graphical interface without textual source code. Therefore, how to thoroughly document this type of software-based artworks becomes a question. This talk presents an experimental visual documentation method, which is an application of the 4+1 view model combined with UML, to capture the work defining properties from different perspectives.

A…kademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Institute for Conservation-Restoration | modern & contemporary art
Best Available Copy 4 - the preservation of time-based media art ... documentation as a copy