Dear all,

We warmly invite you to the upcoming events of the Department for Fashion & Styles/Design in Context, IKL

21.06.2024 - 16:00 Uhr: Workshop Wadrobe Stories

This workshop seeks another way of telling who we are, who we once were, who we imagine to be.

Christina Moon (Parson’s School of Design NYC)

IKL, Institute for education in the arts, Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien, R 2.11

22.06.2024 - 10:00-17:30 Uhr: [feast of conversations] re/vision fashion_feminist pleasure and radical knowledge

Schillerplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Aktsaal, Room 05a     

25.06.2024 - 10:00 Uhr: Doll-Making Workshop: Empowering Hands: Creating N’wana Figures, Creating Ourselves

A social justice fashion-based approach, based on embedded knowledge / plural histories / and fashion democratization.

Khaya Mchunu, Kimberly Bediako und Tinyiko Baloyi (University of Johannesburg)
IKL, Institute for education in the arts, Karl-Schweighofer-Gasse 3, 1070 Wien, R 2.11

For further information see: ) 

See you there, best Elke Gaugele