dear all,

we are happy to invite you all to our feast of conversation an international get-together!

June, 22nd 2024
1000am - 0530pm

aktsaal, souterrain 05, schillerplatz 3, 1010 vienna, akbild

re/vision fashion_feminist pleasure and radical knowledge is dedicated to a multi-perspective approach of critical fashion knowledge that interrelates and connects theory and practice. it will deepen the scope of “intellectual activism and critical art and design projects team[ing] up to decolonize, politicize and democratize fashion research” (gaugele/titton, 2022). The “feast of conversations” format already hints towards a playful and experimental space for critical thinking and doing. therefore, we crafted an international get-together of prestigious theoretical and practical positions from south africa via europe to the united states. in the spirit of the entangled umbrella topics re/vision fashion - feminist pleasure - radical knowledge, we will explore questions of contemporary ideas in fashion design and research in the context of social justice and questions of decolonization and migration in fashion in research and design including a contemporary mediation concept of design.
additionally, the event provides art conversations, too. You are invited to listen to the affects of Black and queer poetry as well as participate in radical intersectional feminist interventions in ai-algorithms.

dr. khaya mchunu, university of johannesburg
kimberly bediako,  university of johannesburg
tinyiko baloyi,  university of johannesburg
dr. christina moon, parsons school of design, nyc
dr. monica titton, university of applied arts, vienna
prof. dr. martina fineder, university of wuppertal
ass. prof. dr. birke sturm, mozarteum salzburg
beata wilczek, ma, academy of fine arts, vienna
prof. dr. elke krasny, academy of fine arts, vienna
dr. Sarah held, academy of fine arts, vienna
prof. dr. elke gaugele, academy of fine arts, vienna
FUT’s feminist_futures

best wishes

sarah held, anna menecia antenete hambira, carolin bohlmann and elke krsny
A...kademie der bildenden Künste Wien
dr. phil. sarah held
moden & styles // gestaltung im kontext
institut für das künstlerische lehramt 
+43 1 588 16 9213
karl-schweighofer-gasse 3, 1070 wien

aufstand der schwestern